
在别人家过夜,留宿 例句:My niece is sleeping over on Friday night.我侄女礼拜五晚上要来过夜。真正“睡过头”的英文是oversleep,保持睡觉这个动作过长时间:to sleep for longer ...

So if you get up at 10 in the morning 如果你早上10点起床 Train at 11 11点开始训练 12,say 12 ,train at 12 或者12点,假设12点开始训练吧 Train for 2 hours,12 to 2 训练两小时,12点到2点 You have let your body recover 然后恢复体能 So you eat,recover,whate...

将近一个世纪之前,最高法院大法官路易斯·布兰代斯(Louis Brandeis)曾写道:“我们必须做出选择。我们可以拥有民主,或者我们的财富可能集中在少数人的手中,但二者不可兼得。(We must mak...

Leaving Baidi Town in the Morning by Li Bai In the morning I leave Baidi Town hidden in colored clouds, Sailing three hundred miles back to Jiangling in a single day. Befor...

更多内容请点击:开学了,“赖床”的英文,你知道怎么说吗? 推荐文章